
Some interesting facts

Then visit Arte, they posted a great vulgarized video to understand the maths behind this curious law.

More to come about history (for example the archeological research about Massada, the evolution of mathematics and physics), maths (for example the Collatz/Syracuse conjecture) and the challenges linked to model reality (this about data science, this aboutshoal of fish modelization).

Side projects

Is it possible to have dinner for free at a nice restaurant in Paris? Yes, if you can leverage some public exposure. This idea inspired me to create an Instagram page with the goal of gaining enough followers to get invited by the restaurants themselves. However, I didn’t want to spend my time posting photos and interacting with users. So, I created a fully automated account that posts beautiful Parisian pictures.

First, I selected 10,000 photos from various photographers and developed a machine learning model to choose the most promising ones. The account posts the photos (crediting the authors, who were always happy to be reposted), interacts, and even follows, likes, and comments relevantly. This coding challenge was very interesting and taught me a lot. The account gained almost 1,000 followers in one month, itwas quite effective—I did receive some invitations! Once I felt I had achieved my goal, I decided to stop the program to comply with Instagram’s new anti-bot policy.

Mens sana in corpore sano

I’m really into water sports and board sports.They are not just about thrilling sensations, but also about enjoying serene moments in beautiful landscapes and nature.

Sport and art can be a nice mix. I customize my skateboards inspired by my favorite painters.